I understand that I am responsible for my child’s payment the Friday prior to the week of pickup. Any payment failures will result in a $10.00 late charge if not made by the following Monday.
I understand that the MuSool After School Program goes month to month. I can give a 28 day notice to cancel my child's membership.
I understand and support that MuSool Martial Arts is a Martial Arts School and not a daycare. If accepted in the 2024-25 After School Program my child will be expected to attend their scheduled martial arts classes. I understand that if my child refuses to train in their regular scheduled class, there will be a charge of $10.00 for a staff member in the after school area to watch my child.
MuSool Martial Arts is responsible for picking my child up from school and transporting them from their elementary school to MuSool Martial Arts. If my child is not going to be picked up by MuSool Martial Arts, I understand that I must contact MuSool Martial Arts to inform them not to retrieve my child. Failure to contact MuSool Martial Arts when my child is not at school will result in a $10.00 search charge.
MuSool Martial Arts requires a student uniform for students to attend class. I understand that I must take the uniform home on Friday’s to wash it and bring it back on Monday for class. Students may keep their uniform in a cubby during the week.
I understand that MuSool Martial Arts is not responsible for lost or broken items that students bring to MuSool Martial Arts. All clothes or other items left over a week may be donated to charity without notice.
I understand that there is no bullying at MuSool Martial Arts and I am responsible for my child's behavior. MuSool Martial Arts will contact me if my child is involved in bullying of any kind. I also understand that if my child is bullied, I am to contact MuSool Martial Arts so a staff member can start an anonymous investigation.
$99.00 Enrollment Fee covers one Taekwondo uniform, T-shirt, insurance and paperwork
After School is $325 per four week month.
No Refunds.