2025 After School

By enrolling, you give a staff member of MuSool Academy of Martial Arts permission to transport your child from his/her elementary school to our facility field trips. I hereby, release MuSool Academy of Martial Arts, LLC from any and all liability regarding any transportation to and from MuSool Academy of Martial Arts and any subsequent activity at MuSool Academy of Martial Arts. Signing this form a precondition to participating in any class or event at MuSool Academy of Martial Arts or any field trip assuming responsibility and liability for my child’s behavior and actions. I acknowledge that the transportation of driving from MuSool Academy of Martial Arts is associated with risks that are consistent with driving down streets. If my child’s behavior while being transported to or from the studio poses a potential threat to the safety of other children/staff during transport, I understand that this may result in termination of camp transportation and care services from MuSool Academy of Martial Arts. I hereby solely and expressly assume liability for all risks and waive any claim I might have against MuSool Academy of Martial Arts or anybody or individuals acting in the capacity as agents of the organization (staff members, instructors, etc.) I assume full legal liability for my child’s actions in class and release MuSool Academy of Martial Arts and the agent acting on behalf of MuSool Academy of Martial Arts, LLC from any claims made as a result of my actions. I hereby grant to MuSool Academy of Martial Arts permissions to use any photograph or videotape taken at MuSool Academy of Martial Arts and deemed by MuSool Academy of Martial Arts to be proper, in any MuSool Academy of Martial Arts publicity, or other use specifically for the promotion of and public awareness of MuSool Academy of Martial Arts. This release shall be effective and binding upon the parties, as well as their heirs, beneficiaries, assigns, successors and legal representatives. By signing, I acknowledge having read and understood this release. I understand that I must pick my child up before the 6pm deadline.  Failure to do so may result in a late pickup fee. I understand that my payment is due the Friday before the week my child is to be picked up from school.  Students must have their tuition securely EFT (Electronic Funds Transferred) through PaySimple.   With a 30 day written request, payments will stop.  If the debit does not go through, that student will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to make payment.  Students that do not contact MuSool Martial Arts within 24 hours will have a 10% fee attached to their invoice.

I understand that the Martial Arts involve contact, and that there is a chance of injury. I also understand that MuSool Academy of Martial Arts, or any of the instructors or personnel, assumes no responsibility for injuries that may occur during practice, tournaments or seminars on or off campus grounds. I also understand that I need to purchase my own insurance policy that will cover me during my practice at MuSool Academy of Martial Arts and all activities involved.

I understand that I am responsible for my child’s payment the Friday prior to the week of pickup.  Any payment failures will result in a $10.00 late charge if not made by the following Monday. 

I understand that the MuSool After School Program goes month to month. I can give a 28 day notice to cancel my child's membership. 

I understand and support that MuSool Martial Arts is a Martial Arts School and not a daycare.  If accepted in the 2024-25 After School Program my child will be expected to attend their scheduled martial arts classes.  I understand that if my child refuses to train in their regular scheduled class, there will be a charge of $10.00 for a staff member in the after school area to watch my child. 

MuSool Martial Arts is responsible for picking my child up from school and transporting them from their elementary school to MuSool Martial Arts.  If my child is not going to be picked up by MuSool Martial Arts, I understand that I must contact MuSool Martial Arts to inform them not to retrieve my child.   Failure to contact MuSool Martial Arts when my child is not at school will result in a $10.00 search charge.  

MuSool Martial Arts requires a student uniform for students to attend class.  I understand that I must take the uniform home on Friday’s to wash it and bring it back on Monday for class.  Students may keep their uniform in a cubby during the week.

I understand that MuSool Martial Arts is not responsible for lost or broken items that students bring to MuSool Martial Arts.  All clothes or other items left over a week may be donated to charity without notice.

I understand that there is no bullying at MuSool Martial Arts and I am responsible for my child's behavior.  MuSool Martial Arts will contact me if my child is involved in bullying of any kind.  I also understand that if my child is bullied, I am to contact MuSool Martial Arts so a staff member can start an anonymous investigation. 

$99.00 Enrollment Fee covers one Taekwondo uniform, T-shirt, insurance and paperwork

After School is $325 per four week month.

No Refunds.

Date: December 31, 2024
Time: 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Location: Main Location
5889 S Williamson Blvd #1313
Port Orange, FL 32128 US
Spaces Left: 1 Capacity: 1
Event Prices:
$99.00 - Sweetwater/Cypress Creek Enrolllment Fee
$99.00 - Spruce Creek/Horizon Enrolllment Fee

Registration is closed for this event.